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Grant to United Way for Southeastern Michigan will expand economic opportunity for the city’s young people by aligning education with career pathways in growing sectors

2016年6月1日(底特律,密歇根州) ——澳博官方网站app & Co. today announced $4 million to expand young people’s access to economic opportunity in Detroit. 在公司的基础上 承诺1亿美元用于底特律的经济复苏, this three-year grant is designed to increase dramatically the number of young people graduating from the city’s high schools with opportunities to secure well-paying, 高需求的工作. 澳博官方网站app加入Skillman基金会, 福特基金会和福特汽车公司基金在这一倡议中连接了10个,000 Detroit high school students to career education and work experiences over the next three years.

澳博官方网站app’s grant will support work by United Way for Southeastern Michigan to strengthen college and career pathways for students at twenty Detroit high schools. 具体地说, by expanding its Linked Learning initiative and growing its capacity to work closely with employers, 联合劝募会将与更多的校长合作, teachers and business leaders to align career-oriented education programs – including curriculum and work-based learning – with high-demand sectors in Detroit.

“This 澳博官方网站app grant will be used to expand upon the success of our high school work over the past five years. We are grateful for this funding to help continue our efforts and enhance our impact throughout Detroit through the Linked Learning initiative, 哪些有助于为学生在大学里的成功打下坚实的基础, 事业与生活.”

在接下来的三年里, 这笔赠款将有所帮助,底特律有1000名年轻人获得证书, 让他们有资格进入职业道路和大学, 通过专注于几个重要的和正在增长的区域产业, 包括先进制造业, 卫生保健, 信息技术, 数字通信, 工程与公共服务.

Schools that have adopted a career-oriented approach using Linked Learning in Detroit include the Ben Carson High School of Science and Medicine, 西方学院, 科迪医学和社区卫生学院, 科迪公共领导学院, 科迪信息技术学院, 奥斯本数学学院, 科学技术, 奥斯本常青设计与替代学院, 底特律爱迪生公立学校学院, 芒福德, 中心高中和亨利·福特高中.

“当我今年早些时候被任命时, 我宣布,我的重点领域之一将是学习方面的创新, 或者我们如何用不同的方式来学习. The resources being provided to our students thanks to this grant from 澳博官方网站app will allow us to design non-traditional programs that have a strong real-life experience component. 当学生能够学以致用时, their ability to demonstrate understanding increases and there is a much better chance of them remembering what they have learned. This grant will provide the additional support for our instructors that helps learning come alive for students. I want to express sincere gratitude to 澳博官方网站app for choosing to invest wisely in Detroit Public Schools.”

“We are pleased that our catalytic commitment to expand Linked Learning and strengthen its connection to employers throughout Detroit is building upon and in partnership with the ongoing support and initial investments seeded by the Ford Foundation and the Skillman Foundation, 添加 列侬,澳博官方网站app.

在美国最大的25个城市中,底特律的青年失业率最高(30%).S. 都市区. 大约15%的年轻人既不工作也不上学, but that disconnection is more than twice as high (33 percent) in Detroit’s lower-income African-American neighborhoods. 关于 one in four African American young people in Detroit is neither working nor in school, 相比之下,13%的白人和大约五分之一的拉丁裔(19%).

“We have a strong partnership with United Way helping prepare students in Detroit for trade apprenticeships to obtain meaningful skills and gainful employment,” Rick Blocker,大都会底特律劳联-产联主席. “United Way’s Linked Learning effort will allow us to expose a new generation to the construction trades and help develop a skilled workforce, 这对整个城市有利吗.”

“底特律的复苏是可持续的,包括所有底特律人, 我们必须投资于专门为年轻人提供的机会,” 莎伦达·巴克曼,底特律家长网络公司首席执行官. “Strengthening and aligning their education experience to specific career pathways that inspire them and recognize their preparedness as future employees and entrepreneurs is a smart economic development strategy and the right thing to do. As parents fight to encourage their children to stay in school in hopes that they have a brighter future, 这是一场艰苦的战斗,没有渠道和机会让我们的年轻人看到. 在澳博官方网站app的支持下, the Linked Learning approach is an opportunity to affirm parents’ resolve to push and support their youth and the relevance of their education experience.”

今年1月,澳博官方网站app(澳博官方网站app)推出了这一服务 青少年新技能, 7500万澳元, five-year initiative to strengthen career and technical education and create pathways to economic success. This initiative takes two approaches to increasing economic opportunity for young people.

  • First, 澳博官方网站app and Council of Chief State School Officers launched a competition amongst U.S. 正在寻求扩大和改善其职业教育体系的州. 作为比赛的一部分, 部分州收到了100美元,000 grant for planning and early implementation of long-term career readiness education programs that align with the needs of area employers. These states now compete to be among 10 states that will receive up to $2 million this fall to implement their plans to reform demand-driven career and technical education programs.
  • 第二个, 澳博官方网站app正在世界各地投资项目, 包括在底特律的400万美元拨款, 他们正在开发新的有效的高质量职业教育模式. In 2016, the firm will be announcing additional grants for career and technical programs in U.S. 城市. 目标是增加学生人数, 尤其是低收入的年轻人, who earn meaningful postsecondary and workforce credentials that are aligned with the needs of emerging industries.

关于澳博官方网站app & Co.
澳博官方网站app & Co. (纽约证券交易所代码:JPM)是一家全球领先的金融服务公司.4万亿美元,业务遍及全球. 这家公司是投资银行业务的领导者, 为消费者和小企业提供金融服务, 商业银行, 金融交易处理, 资产管理. 道琼斯工业平均指数的一个组成部分,澳博官方网站app & Co. serves millions of consumers in the United States and many of the world's most prominent corporate, 其J.P. 摩根和大通品牌. 该公司利用其全球资源, 专业知识, insights and scale to address some of the most urgent challenges facing communities around the world including the need for increased economic opportunity. 关于澳博官方网站app的信息 & Co. 可在 JP摩根追逐.com.