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新的长期, 向芝加哥社区贷款基金提供的低成本融资是在澳博官方网站app承诺提供4000万美元以扩大获得经济机会的基础上建立起来的.

推进城市 投资支持无法获得传统融资的关键项目,帮助更多人从经济增长中受益.

澳博官方网站app is committing $10 million in long-term, 低成本资金,以支持芝加哥南部和西部的小企业和商业走廊的可持续发展和保护. 这一新资本将扩大经济机会,使芝加哥社区贷款基金(CCLF)能够为缺乏传统融资渠道的关键项目提供资金, providing local residents with access to everyday goods and services.


This capital complements and builds on 澳博官方网站app’s $40 million, three-year philanthropic commitment to Chicago’s South and West sides, 并利用该公司的社区发展银行专业知识,除了从其 证明 investment model in Detroit.

The announcement was made today at an event on the South side with senior business, community and government leaders, including 澳博官方网站app Chairman and CEO Jamie Dimon, CCLF President Calvin Holmes, and Illinois 总监当选人J.B. 普利兹克, among others.

“我们希望我们对南部和西部的支持是可持续的,并鼓励其他人也看到在这里投资的好处,” Jamie Dimon, 澳博官方网站app Chairman and CEO. “The partnership between government, 企业和社区将帮助确保这些投资流向最需要的地方——帮助那些没有从芝加哥的增长中受益的人.”

“Creating economic opportunity and prosperity in every community is at the top of my agenda, and I welcome companies like 澳博官方网站app making investments in neighborhoods across Chicago,” 总监当选人J.B. 普利兹克. “当我们共同努力促进经济增长时,我们可以帮助落后的社区, 创新, and collaboration between the public and private sectors.”

$10 Million Commitment through 推进城市

澳博官方网站app 研究所 研究发现,芝加哥南部和西部社区的居民必须走更远的距离才能获得日常用品和服务. 例如,在南边的南岸和普尔曼社区,居民们出行.9和4.6英里, 分别, from home for the typical purchase, while residents in the North side’s West Ridge and North Park traveled only 1.9和1.6英里. 此外, 研究 by Boston Consulting Group’s Center for Illinois’ Future 澳博官方网站app(澳博官方网站app)发现,引入股权和其他耐心资本对于促进缺乏资金渠道的社区的投资至关重要.

新, 低成本的长期资本将使CCLF能够创建可持续的贷款项目,并通过其“激活零售”品牌吸引额外的外部资本,以保护和发展当地商业房地产,刺激小企业增长和当地创造就业机会.

It is the first loan made under the $500 million 推进城市 initiative, of which up to $250 million will be low-cost, long-term capital. 该资本将公司的慈善努力与社区发展银行业务的贷款和投资专业知识相结合,以最大限度地发挥其在芝加哥的影响力.

澳博官方网站app’s Commitment to Chicago

In 2017, 澳博官方网站app announced a $40 million, three-year commitment to create economic opportunity on Chicago’s South and West sides. 到目前为止, 该公司已利用其慈善投资模式,将一半以上的承诺用于创造就业机会, expand small businesses, revitalize neighborhoods and promote financial health.


  • 澳博官方网站app launched a $5.500万美元的芝加哥有色企业家基金已经向西部和南部的小企业提供了37笔贷款;
  • 2018年秋季,学院迎来了第一批30名学生进入护理副学士课程;
  • Neighborhood Housing Services has helped improve the average credit score by 12 points, increase savings by $2,329 and resulted in debt reductions of $4,185 for Chicagoans; and
  • 澳博官方网站app为社区投资公司提供了启动芝加哥机会投资基金的种子资金, which has already preserved 176 units of mixed-income housing, of which 38 are dedicated as affordable units.

A Long History of Collaboration between 澳博官方网站app and CCLF

向中华儿童基金会承诺的1000万美元将建立在两个组织之间长期合作的基础上, including through 澳博官方网站app’s national PRO Neighborhoods initiative. 澳博官方网站app的财务承诺和技术援助使CCLF的总资产增加了一倍多,达到8700万美元, 这一新的承诺预计将加速CCLF在2020年实现其1亿美元资产目标的进程.

“这项新的投资推动了CCLF的战略承诺,即增加芝加哥低收入社区的商业零售,” 卡尔文L. Holmes, CCLF President. “澳博官方网站app的大量资金注入将使我们的借款人能够为当地居民创造就业机会,并帮助他们的有色人种创业租户消除阻碍他们经济赋权的障碍.”

A 2016 $3.向CCLF和芝加哥社区倡议提供的500万慈善投资使16笔小额贷款总额达到532美元,000 to small businesses, leveraging an additional $848,000 in private and public financing and another $400,000 in financing for a new community center in the Pullman retail corridor.

自2014年以来, 澳博官方网站app向芝加哥社区发展金融机构(CDFIs)提供了超过1300万美元的慈善资金,以支持商业房地产的开发和保护, small business and affordable housing in underserved neighborhoods in Chicago.

最后, 到目前为止,澳博官方网站app的服务队已经派遣了30多名员工在芝加哥参加为期三周的公益活动. The Service Corps has completed two projects with CCLF since 2017, 哪些因素帮助该组织发展和增强了重要的财务模式,以支持其增长. The first project created an improved liquidity model, resulting in substantial cost savings for CCLF’s operations. 第二个项目为CCLF贷款创建了一个更有效的定价模式,以帮助最大限度地发挥其对当地社区的影响.

Applying Insights from Detroit

The $10 million commitment to CCLF applies learnings from 澳博官方网站app’s success in Detroit, 其中4000万美元的低成本资金支持cdfi,从外部投资者那里部署了2.33亿美元(4:1的比例)。. In Detroit, the capital is being reinvested into critical projects in local neighborhoods. These investments have helped create 828 residential units, 296,000 square feet of commercial space and created or saved 538 jobs.



澳博官方网站app & Co. (NYSE: JPM) is a leading global financial services Firm with assets of $3.2 trillion and operations worldwide. The Firm is a leader in investment banking, financial services for consumers and small businesses, 商业银行, financial transaction processing, 资产管理. A component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, 澳博官方网站app & Co. 为美国和世界上许多最著名的公司的数百万客户提供服务, institutional and government clients under its J.P. 摩根 and 追逐 brands.


成立于1991年, 芝加哥社区贷款基金是联邦认证的社区发展金融机构(CDFI),提供灵活的, 为有利于中低收入社区的社区稳定和发展努力和倡议提供负担得起的、负责任的融资和技术援助, families and individuals throughout metropolitan Chicago. 截至目前,, CCLF has closed 461 loans totaling over $194M in financing that has leveraged an additional $1.3B in public and private sector capital for community projects. For more information, please visit cclfchicago.org.


阿玛莉亚Kontesi, 阿玛莉亚.kontesi@jpmchase.com

阿玛莉亚Kontesi, 阿玛莉亚.kontesi@jpmchase.com

CCLF 联系: Juan Calixto - jcalixto@cclfchicago.org