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澳博官方网站app承诺向美国投资3500万美元.S. 城市 to Prepare Young 人 for Future of Work

波士顿, 哥伦布, 达拉斯, Indianapolis and Nashville are part of 10 global career readiness philanthropic commitments

城市将利用创新的新做法和政策解决方案,扩大获得实际工作经验的机会, higher education and good careers for underserved young people


(纽约,纽约州 澳博官方网站app(澳博官方网站app)今天宣布了5家美国银行.S. 城市-波士顿, 哥伦布, 达拉斯, Indianapolis and Nashville – to receive career readiness investments as part of the firm’s 7500万美元的全球承诺 to better prepare young people for the jobs of today and tomorrow. 这些为期五年的慈善投资和政策解决方案是该公司“职场新技能”计划的一部分,该计划旨在让人们为未来的工作和新环境做好准备 300亿美元承诺 to advance racial equity and drive an inclusive economic recovery.

每个城市都有700万美元的承诺, 澳博官方网站app(澳博官方网站app)的全球职业准备计划(global career readiness initiative)将制定公平的途径和政策建议,让服务不足的学生有机会接受高等教育,获得可能带来高薪的实际工作经验, 热门工作.

“Too many young people – especially in Black and Latinx communities – are left behind without the education, 获得好工作所需的技能和经验,” 杰米·戴蒙,澳博官方网站app董事长兼首席执行官. “At this critical time – as we all work to address systemic racism and inequities – it’s necessary for business, government and communities to come together and help young people have equitable access to economic opportunity.”


根据最近的全球 调查, one in six youth stopped working since the outbreak of COVID, with young workers age 18 to 24 more likely to lose their jobs. The same 调查 found that one in eight young students were left without any access to education or training.

甚至在大流行之前, 技术的快速变化, 自动化, and artificial intelligence 继续 to shape the economy and exacerbate the disconnect between 技能 and jobs, 让年轻人更加落后. 城市 are adjusting to better prepare their students for an ever-evolving labor market, 包括提高将证书和工作经验与工作联系起来的重要性,这将推动疫情后的经济复苏.


Existing education and training systems are not meeting the growing demand for skilled workers, nor are they effectively connecting adults and youth to well-paying jobs. And the pandemic has only exacerbated these inequities, especially for Black and Latinx communities. 在过去的五年里, 澳博官方网站app has made commitments to help build partnerships between school systems, 雇主, and government agencies that can lead to smarter policies for creating career pathways.

结果是, 该公司将重点放在从过去成功的努力中吸取的三个经验教训上,这些经验教训正在作为这一全球承诺的一部分加以应用, 包括:

  1. Engaging public-private sector partners to work together toward a shared goal.
  2. Using data-driven solutions to develop new interventions and education strategy.
  3. 制定计划的政策, 和规模, successful programming at the outset to help ensure sustainability over the long term.

To further these goals, and the firm’s new 技能 investments, 澳博官方网站app’s 政策Center announced in February 2020 that it will develop and 提出重要的政策建议 to prepare students for good careers and economic mobility.

“As the Massachusetts workforce adapts and changes, 继续, 在代表性不足的社区进行有针对性的投资,对于缩小整个英联邦学生和工人在成就和机会方面的差距至关重要,” 马萨诸塞州州长查理·贝克. “我们的政府致力于提供必要的工具和资源,以确保公平地获得成功, 我们感谢澳博官方网站app通过对英联邦学生的这一承诺,在推动职业准备方面的支持.” 


3500万美元用于促进美国的职业发展.S. 城市

和丹佛一起, 2月份宣布的, 波士顿, 哥伦布, 达拉斯, Indianapolis and Nashville and four to-be-announced sites outside of the US, 是否正在制定新的跨部门合作伙伴关系,以提高学生完成高质量的职业道路,并支持其社区的包容性经济复苏战略.

与当地合作伙伴, 该公司将帮助年轻人从中学成功过渡到高等教育,并在医疗保健等新兴行业找到高薪工作, 科技与商业. 透过跨界别合作, 合作伙伴将努力提高学生完成符合行业需求的高质量职业道路, 并提供早期的高等教育和基于工作的学习经验,从而获得具有高劳动力市场价值的证书;


  • EdVestors将领导一项合作努力,利用强有力的州一级政策,为波士顿公立学校(BPS)的学生拓展高质量的职业道路. Building on 澳博官方网站app’s existing commitment, EdVestors将与BPS合作, 邦克山社区学院, 马塞诸斯州大学波士顿, 波士顿私营工业委员会, 马萨诸塞州教育行政办公室, The 波士顿 Foundation and the City of 波士顿’s Office of Workforce Development.


  • Ohio Excels将以澳博官方网站app在俄亥俄州的初始投资和在哥伦布州立社区学院(CSCC)的一致投资为基础,领导一项合作努力,为哥伦布市学校(CCS)的学生拓展高质量的职业道路. Ohio Excels将与CCS合作, CSCC, 俄亥俄州立大学, the Ohio Department of Education and the Ohio Department of Higher Education.


  • 达拉斯 Commit将以澳博官方网站app对达拉斯 Promise奖学金项目的现有投资为基础,将其与需求职业相结合,并为学生扩大现实世界的工作经验. 达拉斯 Commit will work in collaboration with 达拉斯 Independent School District, 达拉斯大学, University of North Texas 达拉斯 and Texas Education Agency.


  • EmployIndy将利用印第安纳波利斯公立学校(IPS)向职业学院转变的势头,领导一项合作努力,在高中和高等教育之间建立无缝过渡. EmployIndy将与IPS合作, 印第安纳波利斯常青藤理工学院, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, Ascend Indiana and the Governor’s Workforce Cabinet.


  • 纳什维尔商会公益基金会将领导一项合作努力,利用该公司在田纳西州的现有投资,并通过在高中和高等教育之间建立无缝连接,建立纳什维尔现有强大的职业学院项目. The Nashville Chamber will work in collaboration with Metro Nashville Public Schools, 纳什维尔州立社区学院, Tennessee College of Applied Technology – Nashville, 中田纳西州立大学, 田纳西州立大学, 田纳西州教育局, Tennessee Higher Education Commission and Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development.

在美国.S., the six cities and their states will be supported by Advance CTE, 历史最悠久的国家非营利组织,代表国家职业技术教育(CTE)主任和CTE和教育战略集团的国家领导人, 一家使命驱动的咨询公司,专注于帮助所有学习者获得在劳动力市场上有价值的高等教育证书的策略.

“目前还有很多未知因素,但我们知道的一件事是,经济衰退对年轻人的长期经济福祉有深刻的负面影响,” Mary Alice McCarthy, Director, Center on Education and Skills at New America. “我们也知道澳博官方网站app全球职业准备计划所支持的战略——高质量的职业和技术教育, 基于工作的学习机会, and youth apprenticeships – have all proven effective at mitigating the worst effects of prolonged recessions. 我们可能无法预测未来, 但我们可以建立教育和就业体系,更好地保护年轻人,确保每个人都能充分发挥潜力. 事实上,我们共同的未来取决于它.”

澳博官方网站app’s History of Investing in Youth 工作和技能 Training

五年前, 澳博官方网站app invested $75 million through New Skills for Youth – part of the firm’s 3.5亿美元承诺 让人们为未来的工作做好准备——支持各州和地区增加年轻人完成高质量职业道路的数量,从高中开始,通过改变以职业为中心的教育的设计和交付,最终获得在劳动力市场上有价值的证书. 这些社区开发并扩大了创新教育项目,帮助了8个国家的数万名学生, 10个州, 20多个城市获得了这项教育, 技能, and credentials they need to compete for well-paying jobs.

作为7500万美元投资的一部分, 澳博官方网站app还利用员工的技能和专业知识,为年轻人提供指导和实际工作经验, building on a 10 year history of engaging more than 2,000 employees every year to prepare young adults for college and career success. 今年秋天, the firm is launching career readiness mentorship programs in 波士顿, 芝加哥, 达拉斯和印第安纳波利斯. 通过这些项目, participating youth will gain access to career awareness, 高阶技能, 以及专业网络.

Existing programs such as The Fellowship Initiative – which 最近扩大到2020年, 年轻专业人才的发展, and the Schools Challenge continue to engage 澳博官方网站app employees as student mentors. 另外, 伦敦和伯恩茅斯的学徒计划为高中或大学最后一年的学生提供全面介绍金融服务世界的机会,并有机会获得行业认可的资格证书.

关于澳博官方网站app & Co.

澳博官方网站app & Co. (NYSE: JPM) is a leading global financial services firm with assets of $3.2万亿美元,业务遍及全球. 这家公司是投资银行业务的领导者, financial services for consumers and small businesses, 商业银行, 金融交易处理, 资产管理. A component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, 澳博官方网站app & Co. serves millions of customers in the United States and many of the world’s most prominent corporate, institutional and government clients under its J.P. 摩根和大通品牌. 关于澳博官方网站app的信息 & Co. 可在 op1.allthesebooks.com.


Parita沙, parita.shah@jpmorgan.com