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JPMorgan Chase Furthers Commitment to Closing the Housing Affordability Gap for Black and Latinx Households

Elements include a $400 million philanthropic commitment, 以数据为导向的政策建议和新的商业实践,以促进住房稳定性和可负担性,并改善住房拥有机会

June 16, 2021 (New York, NY) – Today, JPMorgan Chase announced new steps to address the housing affordability gap as part of its $30 billion commitment to help advance racial equity and drive an inclusive recovery. By combining its unique set of business, data, policy and philanthropic resources, 该公司旨在提高住房的可负担性和稳定性,以及黑人和拉丁裔家庭拥有住房的机会. This includes:

  1. Addressing housing stability, affordability and wealth creation: A five-year $400 million philanthropic commitment that includes low-cost loans, 向致力于改善黑人和拉丁裔家庭的可负担性和稳定性的经济适用房领域的非营利组织和组织提供股权和赠款;
  2. Creating more paths to affordable and sustainable homeownership: New Chase Community Home Lending Advisor role to help more people on the journey to homeownership, 积极与行业合作伙伴和监管机构合作,寻找解决住宅评估过程中的差距的方法;
  3. Making data-driven policy recommendations: The JPMorgan Chase Policy中心将与政策制定者和社区领袖合作,推进以数据和证据为基础的解决方案,以应对住房挑战.

“我们正在努力解决一些负担得起的住房和房屋所有权的障碍,以帮助提供家庭稳定,并为黑人和拉丁裔家庭创造世代财富,” said Jamie Dimon, Chairman and CEO, JPMorgan Chase & Co. “Whether you rent or own your home, more families deserve fair, 可持续和可获得的选择和企业有责任为那些缺乏机会的人制定住房解决方案.”


1. Addressing Housing Stability, Affordability and Wealth Creation

JPMorgan Chase’s five-year, $400 million philanthropic commitment will help tackle the housing crisis for Black and Latinx households. 该公司将推出新的住房计划,以提高美国各地服务不足社区的可负担性和稳定性.S.:

  • Working with the Urban Institute to identify, test and scale innovative affordable housing solutions, such as eviction prevention programs and ways to address appraisal gaps, to better serve Black and Latinx households;
  • Collaborating with Center for Community Investment 他在林肯土地政策研究所(Lincoln Institute of Land Policy)工作,以推进解决方案,比如保持现有住房的可负担性,以及在芝加哥扩大社区所有权模式, Washington D.C., Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans and Seattle.

Due to the economic crisis resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a critical need to help stabilize housing for Black, Latinx and other households of color. JPMorgan Chase will:

  • 向资助止赎和驱逐项目的非营利组织提供慈善支持,如紧急财政援助, rental repayment plans and negotiation support;
  • 为经济适用房的非营利性提供者和面临自身财务压力的小房东提供流动性,包括紧急财政援助;
  • Advance effective housing preservation models to maintain existing affordable units, such as protecting small buildings at risk of losing affordability.

JPMorgan Chase Institute research 是否显示在疫情期间,近四分之一的租房者的总收入下降了10%以上, even after accounting for government support, but did not have a forbearance safety net like homeowners, which creates economic vulnerabilities for both renters and landlords. 该公司正在与全国拉丁裔社区资产建设者协会(NALCAB)合作,为受疫情影响和面临驱逐风险的租房者提供支持. NALCAB向拉丁裔领导的非营利性经济适用房供应商提供直接紧急财政援助,以保持2,000 Latinx families in their homes during the height of the economic crisis.

“这一声明强调了澳博官方网站app对系统性不平等问题的理解,以及他们推动经济正义的承诺. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is being felt in waves, and we are on the brink of an even deeper affordable housing crisis than currently exists,” said Marla Bilonick, NALCAB President and CEO. “NALCAB很高兴与我们的成员组织合作,提供紧急财政援助,以确保2,000 Latino families are able to stay in their homes. 对于经济复苏而言,没有什么比确保住房市场稳定更为关键的了,而澳博官方网站app(JPMorgan Chase)已经采取了应对措施, once again."

该公司还在扩展创新的住房模式,旨在降低经济适用房的生产成本. For example, the firm recently made an equity investment in Factory_OS, 通过利用异地工厂建设,将多户住宅生产的成本和时间降低了40%.

2. Creating More Paths to Affordable and Sustainable Homeownership

大通的住房贷款业务集中在四个关键支柱上,以帮助解决负担得起的和可持续的住房所有权障碍:雇用人员, expanding its presence, enhancing its products, and participating in policy reform.

Hiring people and expanding its presence当前位置大通银行正在扩大其传统的住房贷款顾问网络,增加一个名为“社区住房贷款顾问”的新职位,” which is designed to be located in minority and low-to- moderate income communities.  These individuals are experts in local housing and down payment assistance programs. To date, Chase has hired more than 100 Community Home Lending Advisors nationwide and will continue to expand.

Enhancing its products: Chase offers an array of products and programs that span the full economic spectrum.  To address two of the biggest barriers to affordable lending, Chase expanded its Homebuyer Grant program to $5,500 to help more customers with closing costs and down payment assistance when buying a home in more than 6,700 minority communities nationwide.

Participating in policy reform住房贷款业务也在积极与行业合作伙伴和监管机构合作,寻找解决住宅评估过程中存在差距的方法, including: 

  • Promoting increased diversity in the appraisal industry: JPMorgan Chase is providing mentors for trainees in the Appraiser Diversity Pipeline Initiative.  This initiative, led by the Appraisal Institute and Fannie Mae, is designed to attract new people in the field, help trainees overcome common barriers to entry and foster diversity.
  • Promoting equal access to valuation data: Promoting equal access to valuation data and improved appraisal process techniques throughout the industry.
  • Investing in innovation:  澳博官方网站app向阿育王和布鲁金斯这两个以创新而闻名的组织投资了100万美元, independent and data-driven analysis – to launch the Valuing Homes in Black-Majority Neighborhoods challenge to collect and study the most promising innovations to help address the appraisal gap.

“We’re taking a comprehensive approach to address what is a very complex challenge in this country,” said Mark O’Donovan, CEO of Chase Home Lending.  “我们希望看到对最需要它的人有意义的影响,并将继续与联邦政府的公共部门合作, state and local levels – to ensure that’s the case.”

3. Advancing Data-Driven Policy Solutions

The JPMorgan Chase PolicyCenter released new data-driven policy recommendations 改善因大流行病而削弱的家庭稳定性,增加租房者和房主获得可负担住房的公平机会, particularly Black and Latinx households. Among its recommendations, the firm will help advance:

  • 通过保留现有和新建可负担住房,稳定弱势租房者,解决可负担住房供应缺口;
  • 向受大流行经济衰退影响最大的家庭和房东提供有效和有针对性的租金援助;
  • 激励驱逐改革,改善租户和房东的结果,建立国家驱逐跟踪数据库;
  • Building on COVID-19 protections to effectively support homeowners, 例如建立永久性的止赎预防支持,为陷入困境的房主提供法律咨询;
  • Promoting reforms to increase mortgage market liquidity and improve access to affordable, sustainable mortgages that better serve people of color and low-income borrowers;
  • Advancing federal housing policies that advance fair housing and mitigate bias in the home valuation process.


“Businesses, 社区领导人和政策制定者需要共同努力,推进解决住房不稳定问题的解决方案,并为住房市场带来根本性的变化,” said Heather Higginbottom, President, JPMorgan Chase PolicyCenter and Co-Head of Global Philanthropy. “这些数据驱动的政策改革将帮助全国各地以前被排除在稳定之外的家庭, affordable housing.”  


About JPMorgan Chase

JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE: JPM) is a leading global financial services firm with assets of $3.7 trillion and operations worldwide. The Firm is a leader in investment banking, financial services for consumers and small businesses, commercial banking, financial transaction processing, and asset management. A component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, JPMorgan Chase & Co. serves millions of customers in the United States and many of the world’s most prominent corporate, institutional and government clients under its J.P. Morgan and Chase brands. Information about JPMorgan Chase & Co. is available at op1.allthesebooks.com.


Racial Equity